Ozaukee County Jail Literacy Program Banner
UCN’s Share the Plate for Sept. and Oct. is the Ozaukee County Jail’s Literacy Program, a non-profit that teaches literacy, GED preparation, and life skills to people during their incarceration. The program was founded by volunteers nearly 30 years ago to provide educational opportunities to those over 18 who are incarcerated in the county. The program’s goals are also to help adults in the jail to earn their GEDs, and improve participants’ personal and employment potential, with the ultimate goal of contributing to reducing recidivism.
The program is funded by donations, with some jail funding. UCN member Julie Konik nominated the Ozaukee County Jail Literacy Program for Share the Plate because she says that, “as an educator, I know that the skills this program teaches can literally change a person’s life path.”
Half of the cash offerings go to the Ozaukee County Jail Literacy Program. If you prefer to write a check, please write “Share the Plate” on the memo line and half of your check will be donated, whether you give it during the offertory at UCN or mail your check to the office. Electronic donations can be given through the link below and by scanning the QR code at the bottom of Unitarian Church North's newsletter the Northliner. Thank you for your generosity.