Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
The UCN Fund for Social Justice was established in 2000 following the state legislature's decision to send tax-rebate checks to taxpayers, rather than using $700,000,000 for programs that could benefit those in need of the most basic resources, such as food, affordable housing, health care, and child care, for example. UCN members pooled their tax-rebate checks together in the amount of $10,000, to start up the Fund, which is managed by the Greater Milwaukee Foundation. Annual disbursements of the interest are made unless there is no approved nomination in any given year.
Disbursements will be made in areas of human services and will be consistent with UCN's vision and mission, and the mission of the UUSC, as outlined in the “Structure and Responsibilities of the Social Justice Committee.”
Disbursements, generally, will be made to 501c3 charitable organizations in the Greater Milwaukee Area, although the Social Justice Committee may wish to support efforts that may not be organized as a 501c3.The Social Justice Committee may seek guidance from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation on the integrity of potential recipients.
The Fund can continue to grow with your donation. Send a check payable to UCN Fund for Social Justice with "Fund ID UCNFSJ" in the memo line, to Greater Milwaukee Foundation, 101 W. Pleasant St., Suite 210, Milwaukee, WI 53212. Other donation arrangements can be made by visiting their website, https://www.
Guidelines for making a nomination for the UCN Fund for Social Justice can be obtained by picking up a nomination form in the main lobby or clicking this link: Guidelines and Nomination Form
Nominations must be received in the UCN office no later than January 15th.
Also, please consider donating to the Fund by making your check out to Unitarian Church North Fund for Social Justice and placing it, in an envelope, in the treasurer's mailbox in the church office.