As you read this, you may be in a somewhat hectic state: Hanukkah, Solstice, Christmas, New Year – whatever it is you’re celebrating, and wherever you are in the process of it, you probably have precious few moments. So I’ll be short. Here’s a gift for 2020. It’s a list of paraprodoskians meaning…Oh, who am I kidding! Do you care about the etymology of the word this time? (I mean, with all this hectic stuff going on in your life right now?) I didn’t think so.
Simply put, a paraprodoskian is a figure of speech in which the second part of a sentence of phrase is surprising or unexpected (and sometimes humorous). Churchill is said to have loved these. Here are a few paraprodoskian beginnings – can you guess what the endings might be? (You’ll find the “official” answers below, but what you yourself come up with might be pretty good too. Send me some if you have them.) OK, here are the para-etc. beginnings:
And now, for the “official” answers:
There you have it: a gift (such as it is) for the coming year. Hope at least one of these made you smile.
peace and unrest,