Rev. Alexander is a third-generation Wisconsin Unitarian Universalist, who grew up in Racine and Port Washington/Belgium. He has an undergraduate degree (in Urban Studies) from Lawrence University in Appleton, a Master of Divinity from Starr King School for Ministry in California, and a year-and-a-half of graduate Clinical Pastoral Education certified training in Minneapolis and Memphis. He comes to us with 49 years of consecutive ministry experience, having served 6 full-time ministries up and down the Eastern United States.

Rev. Scott Alexander is a seasoned, experienced, and widely respected Unitarian Universalist minister, having been ordained at the First Church of Houlton Maine, in 1974 where he began his ministry and served until 1978. Since that time, Rev. Alexander has served the First Unitarian Society of Plainfield, New Jersey, 1978-1988; the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) in Boston, Massachusetts, 1988-1998; ten years when he also served the Unitarian Universalist Association as an executive and developer of continental programs and services; the River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Bethesda, Maryland,1998-2010; the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Vero Beach, Florida, 2010-2021, and the Unitarian Universalist Church of Reston, Virginia, as interim minister from 2021-present.

Rev. Alexander is the author/editor of five books, The Relational Pulpit: Closing the Gap Between Pulpit and Pew (1993); The Welcoming congregation: Resources for Affirming Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Unitarian Universalists (1990); AIDS and Your Religious Community: a Hands-On Guide for Local Programs (1991); Salted With Fire: Unitarian Universalist Strategies for Sharing Faith and Growing Congregations (1994); and Everyday Spiritual Practice: Simple Pathway for Enriching Your Life (1999). Rev. Alexander travels widely within the Unitarian Universalist denomination, speaking, preaching, and offering in-depth workshops on a variety of congregational and faith-related subjects. Over his career, he has widely taught homiletics (the art of preaching) offering workshops to both practicing ministers and seminary students. While he was in Boston, he was an adjunct faculty member teaching Homiletics at Andover Newton Theological School and has also taught at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago.

Rev. Alexander has been active in the Unitarian Universalist Association, serving the denomination in a wide variety of capacities over his long career. He has been active in every local community where he has served, offering leadership to many Boards and other leadership groups for non-profit agencies, including Planned Parenthood; the YMCA (in three different communities); Rotary International; several local AIDS/HIV service organizations; and MAPS, a nationwide adoption agency for older, hard-to-place children. For eight years Rev. Alexander was an officer and trustee of the AIDS National Interfaith Network (ANIN) and was a national leader in the fight against AIDS/HIV and the resulting discrimination and injustice.

Over the last 20 years, Rev. Alexander has completed five coast-to-coast (30 days…120 miles a day) charity bike rides (to support local non-profit agencies working to end local poverty and hunger) which have raised more than $250,000. He has also challenged hundreds of UU congregations to similarly address hunger and poverty in their local communities. In 2012 Rev. Alexander was honored on National Philanthropy Day for “Outstanding philanthropic achievement in Indian River County” for this effort. In June of 2022, Rev. Alexander was awarded the "George B. Walter Service to Society Award" from his alma mater Lawrence University for exemplifying over his lifetime "the ideas of a liberal education through its application to socially useful ends in the community, nation, and world."

Rev. Alexander lives in Milwaukee (and Sheboygan) with his partner of 43 years, H. Collins Mikesell, who has recently retired form his long career as a Senior Analyst for the Association of American Medical Colleges located in Washington DC.


Jessy Knox

Religious Education and

Family Programming Coordinator

Lyn Gust



Britney Freeman-Farr



Unitarian Church North is governed by a volunteer Leadership Board, whose members are elected by the congregation. The church year runs from July 1 through June 30.


President: Bernie Booth
Treasurer: Julie Zumach

Non Officer Positions

Financial Secretary: Pat Kotecki
Past-President: Ed Ahrenhoerster
President-Elect: Betsy Muellenbach

At-Large Trustee

Carissa Mooren  

Committee Chairs (Trustees)

Finance: Sherryl Andrus
Membership: Dan Lusk / Liam Quackenbush
Religious Education: Katie Eagan-Bruhy
Social Justice: Leigh Hoftiezer
Sunday Services
: Julie Konik