Share the Plate is a UCN program to support non-profit charitable organizations whose humanitarian and social justice goals reflect our UU principles.

September and October, 2024

Share the Plate Update

The Social Justice Committee has chosen the Ozaukee County Adult Literacy Project to receive the Share the Plate donations for September and October. The ALC ‘s mission is to provide individualized educational services for adult learners to improve academic and life skills in order to pursue their personal, professional, and life goals. One to one tutoring sessions allow students to set the goals for their particular needs that may include preparing for citizenship, GED candidates, college support and adult basic education.

The program began as a mission of Grace Lutheran Church in Grafton. It has become an independent nonprofit that still maintains an office and tutoring rooms in the church. The church provides utilities, phone and internet services, as well, helping to keep program costs low.

Half of the donations, cash or check, will go to the Ozaukee County Literacy project. Checks can be written to UCN with “Share the Plate” on the memo line. On our website,, you can donate by using PayPal. Thank you for your generosity.

All Share The Plate Donations

UCN's Share the Plate Program was established in 2008 to help organizations doing social justice work, not just in our area, but around the world. It has been a tremendously successful endeavor. Half of the offertory is donated each collection period to the designated organization. The spreadsheet link below will take you to a 2 page document that lists past donation totals to each organization chronologically and alphabetically.

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How will you Share The Plate?


Any UCN member may nominate an organization for Share the Plate by downloading the Nomination Form.