UCN’s Committees are the backbone of our programs and operations. Any member or newcomer is welcome at meetings, with meeting times listed in the weekly Northliner and Order of Service, and on the website Calendar. Committee membership is a fulfilling way to contribute your time, experience, and skills to UCN, while getting to know other members.
Social Justice
Manages UCN’s Share the Plate program. Provides information and opportunities for the congregation and individual members to take action against racism, hunger, lack of housing and a wide variety of social issues.
Sunday Services
Provides volunteer Worship Assistants for every Sunday service, and arranges for Sunday speakers when UCN’s part-time minister isn’t preaching. Assists all aspects of Sunday Services to run smoothly for those attending in-person and on Zoom.
Maintains official membership records. Provides greeters for church services and after-service coffee, and a welcoming presence for all members and visitors. Offers Path to Membership classes for people interested in becoming members.
Religious Education
In cooperation with the Director of Religious Education, plans and implements religious education curricula and activities for children and youth; recruits and trains teachers.
Lay Pastoral Care
Recruits members who are trained in supportive listening to be “pastoral listeners,” assisting the minister to provide pastoral care to members who request it. The Support Network recruits volunteers to provide short-term, practical assistance when needed by members and families in the church.
Disseminates information about church activities and denominational affairs, through website, news releases, newsletters, and displays in the building.
Maintains integrity of the landscape design; implements selection, planting and care of plants; oversees area use, landscape maintenance and improvements.
Green Committee
Guides UCN, as a congregation and as individual members, to continue our commitment to environmental justice as a Green Sanctuary, intended to achieve our vision of a sustainable and just world for all.
Oversees maintenance of the church building and performs some maintenance tasks. Maintains calendar of scheduled use of the building and rental space.
Oversees the financial well-being of UCN. Prepares annual budget for congregational approval, oversees annual pledge drive, and advises the Leadership Board on financial matters.