One of the many great traditions we enjoy at UCN is the welcoming of the new year with an all-church talent show. Everyone is invited to participate in this community event on January 5, 2025, taking the place of the regular service at 10:00 am. Watch our singers, dancers, poets, mimes and more. And enjoy snacks and beverages during the show.

Sunday service timeline:

9:50 – Join for informal conversation (optional)
10:00 – Service begins
11:00 – Coffee hour

This yearly UU ritual is about reflecting on the joys, pain, successes, and failures of the past year. We will have an opportunity to burn away that which no longer serves you and you wish to relinquish into the fire bowl.  Let us then set new intentions as we look forward to the mystery and unknown of this new year ahead.

Originally from Texas, Dana moved to Cedarburg, WI from the Denver, CO area with her husband, Dan, in 2016. She is a lifelong, second-generation, Unitarian Universalist and grew up in a primarily atheist/secular Humanist household. In the early 1980’s she took her first ‘Cakes for the Queen of Heaven’ class at First UU Church of Houston and discovered Earth-based, Womyn’s spirituality. She is a recently retired Registered Nurse/Nurse Educator, serving on the faculties of University of Denver, Regis University, and Marquette University in Milwaukee.  Additionally, she is an Army Nurse Corps Veteran. 

Sunday service timeline:

9:50 – Join for informal conversation (optional)
10:00 – Service begins
11:00 – Coffee hour

Scott writes: with the recent disconcerting national election outcome, and a dangerous right-ward shift now occurring in Washington politics, this Martin Luther King Sunday presents us Unitarian Universalists with deep and worrisome concerns about the future of racial and social justice progress in America.  This Sunday, I want to make one clear and specific racial justice proposal for your (and America’s) moral consideration.

Sunday service timeline:

9:50 – Join for informal conversation (optional)
10:00 – Service begins
11:00 – Coffee hour

Scott writes: This Sunday I will engage in a structured “Chancel Conversation” with a dear transgender friend of mine Johanna Swendson, who will join us via Zoom from her home in Vero Beach Florida.  Johanna is an active member of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Vero Beach, which I served for more than a decade, and she helped me to understand the challenges (and blessings) of being a transgender person in America today.  This conversation takes on added importance because of the increased ignorance about -- and growing hostility and injustice directed toward -- transgender and other gender minorities.  Do be with us for this important conversation.

Sunday service timeline:

9:50 – Join for informal conversation (optional)
10:00 – Service begins
11:00 – Coffee hour

The meaning of worship is

to be shaped by
what is of worth.

We gather together in spiritual community because we need constant reminders of what matters most in life. In a world of heartbreak and dehumanization, our congregations and communities call us to our better selves. We learn to live with more wisdom, more connection, and more compassion.

Our Worship Services are weekly reflections that weave together our own thoughts and experiences with music, beauty, poetry, and words that both comfort and challenge. Our programs for all ages inspire and awaken us to our capacities to make a difference in our own lives and in the world.


When Unitarian Universalists light the chalice in worship, we illuminate a world that we feel called upon to serve with love and a sense of justice. To us, the flaming chalice represents the light of reason, the warmth of community, and the flame of hope.
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We are inspired not just by religious sources but by the people with whom we journey: the diverse and spirited Unitarian Universalists.

Connect with us to join in.