The Hindu festival we're celebrating today is called Diwali, which is short for Deepa-wali. Deepa, meaning lamp or light (like this one); and Wali, meaning row. So, a row of lights, or festival of...
The Day of the Dead is a time to remember loved ones who have died--not just because we may miss them, but because we may be grateful for things they...
The ancient Aztecs prayed this prayer: "Grant me, Lord, a little light--but no more than a glow-worm gives, which goes about by night, to guide me through this life...this dream which...
f you look carefully, I think you'll find the wording here rather interesting. Take the word "inspires." If it had been written without the "s," the...
Today's sermon is the second in my series on the six sources of our UU tradition:
Words and deeds of prophetic people,
which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil
with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love...
Consider a few statistics with me. Black folks make up about 13% of the U.S. population. But they account for about 25% of COVID-19 cases and 25% of COVID-19 deaths. For a number of reasons: One being that many service jobs that entail a lot of interaction...