Share the Plate is a UCN program to support non-profit charitable organizations whose humanitarian and social justice goals reflect our UU principles.

January and February, 2025

Share the Plate Update

The social Justic Committee has chosen Capuchin Community Services, in Milwaukee, to receive your donations in the first two months of 2025.

The Capuchin Brothers have been serving the homeless and poor in the Milwaukee community since 1869. Current programs are St. Benedict’s meal program (since 1970) and The House of Peace (since 1968).

At St. Ben’s, a hot meal is served Monday through Friday; on Fridays, food bags are available to carry clients over the weekend. They also offer a warming center on cold winter days. The following programs and services are offered in their Community Service programs: food pantry, clothes closet, holiday food box, legal clinic, spiritual care, health care, and eyeglass clinic. There are social workers available to access and coordinate services.  In their Open-Door Ministry, clients can use showers, laundry facilities, get a haircut or assistance to obtain a birth certificate or ID as well as help getting a driver’s license restored.  

Half of the donations for the month, cash or check, will go to Capuchin Community Services. Checks should include STP on the memo line. On our website. you can donate using PayPal. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

All Share The Plate Donations

UCN's Share the Plate Program was established in 2008 to help organizations doing social justice work, not just in our area, but around the world. It has been a tremendously successful endeavor. Half of the offertory is donated each collection period to the designated organization. The spreadsheet link below will take you to a 2 page document that lists past donation totals to each organization chronologically and alphabetically.

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How will you Share The Plate?


Any UCN member may nominate an organization for Share the Plate by downloading the Nomination Form.